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The 网上最好的赌博软件下载 Institutional Review Board (ACIRB) is a committee whose primary responsibility is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects and to function as a kind of ethics committee focusing on what is right or wrong and on what is desirable or undesirable in projects involving human subjects. The ACIRB is registered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protections (IRB00010298) and has Federal Wide Assurance for the Protection of Human Subjects for Institutions within the United States (FWA00023846). Registration and FWA confirm that ACIRB meets or exceeds all 联邦 requirements for registered IRBs and is eligible to accept 联邦ly funded projects for review.


The ACIRB’s mission is to ensure that investigators and their research teams conduct research, evidence based practice projects, and quality improvement projects that meet or exceed the ethical principles presented in the Belmont Report Respect for Persons, 善行, 和正义. The 联邦 IRB guidelines are based 在se principles.

The ACIRB’s values align with the 网上最好的赌博软件下载 "Focus" Values as follows:

  • Foster Unity – The ACIRB focuses 在 ethical principles in the Belmont report to verify that projects are not unnecessarily exclusionary and that vulnerable populations, 风险等级, and privacy/confidentiality issues are clearly addressed. The ACIRB collaborates with other IRBs when appropriated to conserve time and duplication of effort.

  • Own the Moment – the ACIRB address issues of Respect for Persons, 正义, and 善行 when reviewing proposals, and strives to review each project carefully, 始终如一地, 和认真. The ACIRB strives to maintain reasonable and responsible time frames for reviews and to collaborate with 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 管理员, and external investigators to address issues in a proposal with the goal of reaching approval.

  • Champion Excellence – ACIRB scrupulously adheres to ethical and professional values and behaviors and strives to ensure adherence to 联邦, 状态, UnityPoint健康, and 网上最好的赌博软件下载 policies and regulations pertaining to the protection of human subjects in any type of project or research involving human subjects.

  • U – ACIRB consults 教师, 工作人员, 学生, and external principle investigators, and provides direction for obtaining necessary and optional training related to the protection of human subjects.

  • Seize Opportunities – In addition to carefully, 始终如一地, 和认真 reviewing each project proposal, the ACIRB strives to provide constructive feedback to enhance methodological rigor.


Required Human Subjects Protection Training:

All investigators and key personnel involved in projects or studies are required to complete approved training in the protection of human subjects. The ACIRB accepts training from the Collaboration Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Evidence of completion of other programs of training on protection of human subjects will be considered on an individual basis by the ACIRB. For information about required training, see the Training and Technology handout提交流程 网页.

Guidance on Completing and Submitting a Protocol for ACIRB Review:

Guidance on completing and submitting applications for review of research or evidence-based practice/quality improvement projects is provided 在 ACIRB 提交流程 网页. Students should work with their 教师 project advisor to develop the proposal and navigate the application submission process.


The ACIRB is responsible for ensuring that ethical principles are applied in any proposal submitted for review. ACIRB members can provide guidance on protection of human subjects, 知识产权, and other ethical issues that pertain to research or projects.


The ACIRB oversees protection of human subjects, responsible conduct of research/projects, 不当行为, 利益冲突. The purpose of overseeing compliance is to ensure that all research and projects reviewed by the ACIRB are conducted with integrity and in compliance with 网上最好的赌博软件下载, 当地的, 状态, 联邦, and funding agency regulations for research. Whether or not a project or study is externally funded, any investigator who plans to do research or a project involving 学生, 教师, or 工作人员 of 网上最好的赌博软件下载 or patients and associates of 统一点生命值 — 艾伦医院 and its affiliated settings must obtain approval from the ACIRB prior to initiating the project or study.


Please contact the ACIRB via email: ACIRB@AllenCollege.edu